

Famous characters from the Bible

2024. február 25. - Madnezz




Conquest of Mars

 In the vast expanse of our solar system, one celestial neighbor has captivated the imagination of humanity for decades – Mars. Often referred to as the "Red Planet," Mars has been the subject of scientific inquiry, space missions, and ambitious dreams of interplanetary exploration. As technological advancements propel us further into the cosmos, the prospect of conquering Mars has transitioned from a distant fantasy to a tangible goal.

First steps



Exhibition of modern painters

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and art enthusiasts,

Welcome to this extraordinary exhibition that celebrates the intersection of imagination and innovation. Today, we embark on a journey through the vivid minds of renowned modern artists who, while staying true to their unique styles, have dared to explore uncharted territories.

Each canvas before you is a testament to the artist's ability to transcend boundaries and embrace new, thought-provoking themes. As we immerse ourselves in this collection, let us appreciate the courage it takes to venture into unexplored realms while maintaining the unmistakable essence of their artistic identity.

From surreal space fantasies to abstract renditions of familiar landscapes, this exhibition invites you to reconsider the boundaries of artistic expression. These works are not merely paintings; they are windows into alternate dimensions, where creativity knows no limits.

Let the colors, shapes, and narratives on display challenge your perceptions and ignite your imagination. As you navigate through the galleries, remember that you are witnessing not only the evolution of these artists but also the birth of entirely new concepts, born from the union of tradition and innovation.

May this exhibition inspire you to question, to dream, and to see the world through the kaleidoscopic lens of these visionaries. Thank you for joining us on this artistic odyssey, where the past meets the future, and where every stroke tells a story of courage, exploration, and the infinite possibilities of the human imagination. Enjoy the journey!

Pablo Picasso: Futuristic sci-fi landscape



Neo Chiba, a cyberpunk city

 Welcome to Neo Chiba, the city of lights and shadows! Where high technology and crime are two sides of the same coin. Downtown high life serving the comforts of the rich, with a beautiful view from the terrace of luxury apartments. However, where the network of neon lights is interrupted and the living conditions are less comfortable, there is the home of those living in the periphery. Narrow living spaces, abandoned factories and tunnels under the city provide refuge for the outcasts in the city's desert.

Two women's, two different stories




Novaterra: the new Earth

   Welcome to Novaterra! The planet that could be humanity's new home. Get to know its magical living world, which is friendly and helpful! They show the way in the dark and the stone desert, illuminate the ground, give warmth in the cold and magical melodies ring in the air.

1. Luminwinged Seraphs: Ethereal winged beings whose radiant wings light up the night sky, guiding nocturnal creatures and serving as beacons of peace.


2. Zephyrflora Drifters: Floating, jellyfish-like plants that harness wind currents to drift across the plains, providing shade to smaller organisms beneath.


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