

The great unknown warriors and leaders of history

2024. április 28. - Madnezz



Inca Empire: One of the most important rulers of the Inca Empire in the 15th century, who led the significant territorial expansion and cultural development of the country.

Welcome to the Gallery of Unknown Warriors and Leaders!

In this collection, we delve into the rich tapestry of history to shine a light on the often-overlooked heroes and leaders whose stories have faded into obscurity. While the annals of history are replete with tales of renowned generals and statesmen, there exists a multitude of lesser-known figures whose contributions to their nations and cultures are no less significant.

From the steppes of Central Asia to the islands of the Pacific, from the deserts of Africa to the mountains of South America, these unsung champions and visionaries have left indelible marks on the course of human events. Despite the absence of official portraits or detailed chronicles, their legacies endure through the echoes of their deeds and the echoes of their influence on subsequent generations.

In this gallery, we invite you to embark on a journey of discovery and imagination as we bring to life the faces of these enigmatic figures. Through artistic interpretation and creative portrayal, we seek to honor their memory and celebrate their enduring spirit. May their stories inspire us to appreciate the diversity of human experience and to recognize the countless threads that weave together the fabric of history.

Join us as we illuminate the paths of these unknown warriors and leaders, and may their courage, wisdom, and resilience continue to inspire us all.

Yelu Dashi


China (Liao Dynasty): One of the most important warlords and political leaders of the Liao Dynasty in the 12th century, who successfully resisted the attacks of the Southern Song Empire.

Sobhuza I


Eswatini (Swaziland): One of the greatest Swazi kings of the early 19th century, who successfully unified and expanded the kingdom of Eswatini.

Sergey Bajan


Russia (Golden Horde): A Mongol-Tatar warlord and dictator in the Russian provinces of the 16th century. 

Idris Alooma


Kanem-Bornu Empire (Nigeria): One of the most important rulers in the Kanem-Bornu Empire in the 16th century, who achieved large territorial expansions and introduced a strong central government.

Yaqub al-Mansur


Morocco (Almohad Empire): One of the most important rulers of the Almohad Empire in the 12th century, who successfully expanded her empire and supported science and art.



Germania: Leader of the Germanic tribes who led the Teutons against the Roman Empire in the Battle of the Varus Gorge.

Nzinga Mbande


Kingdom of Ndongo and Matamba (Angola): The Angolan queen and warlord who resisted Portuguese colonialism and protected her people.



Inca Empire: An Inca leader and general who fought to expand and protect the territory of the Inca Empire in the 15th century.



Mongolia: A Dzungar princess who was famous for her chivalry and fighting skills.



Hausa Kingdom (Nigeria): Queen of the famous Hausa kingdom who expanded the country's territory and increased its power.

Osman Gazi


Ottoman Empire: The founder and first sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who conquered significant territories in the Anatolian territories.

Trung Sisters


 Vietnam: The Vietnamese national heroines who led the Vietnamese rebellion against the Han Dynasty.

Cetshwayo kaMpande


Zulu Kingdom: A famous Zulu king who resisted British colonization attempts in the 19th century.

Tomoe Gozen


Japan: A famous female samurai from medieval Japan who excelled in combat and was known for her famous exploits.

Laskarina Bouboulina


Greece: The leader of the Greek Revolution of 1821 and a naval warrior who fought bravely against Turkish rule.

Zhao Yun


China (Three Kingdoms Era): A famous Chinese general from the Three Kingdoms era who served loyally in the kingdom of Shu Han.



Aztec Empire: A heroic general of the Aztec Empire who fought bravely against the Spanish conquistadors.



Celtic Britain: Queen of Celtic Britain who led the rebellion against Roman occupation in the 1st century.

Tariq ibn Ziyad


Al-Andalus: The Arab-Muslim general who led the Moorish conquest of what is now Spain.

 Yaa Asantewaa


 Asante Kingdom (Africa): Leader and warrior of the Asante people who fought against British colonialism.



Aztec Empire: The last emperor of the Aztec Empire, who fought against the Spanish conquistadors between 1519 and 1521.

Rani Lakshmibai

  India: Famous female warrior of 19th century India and leader of the Indian Uprising who fought bravely against British colonialism.



Thailand: One of the most famous Thai kings and generals in the 16th century, who successfully established Thailand's independence and territorial integrity.

Modu Chanyu


Xiongnu Empire: One of the most important leaders and generals of the Xiongnu Empire in ancient China, who successfully united the Xiongnu tribes and created a powerful empire in the 3rd century.

Gajah Mada


Indonesia (Majapahit Empire): One of the most important Indonesian warlords and statesmen in the 14th century, who significantly expanded the territory and influence of the Majapahit Empire.

Ahmad Shah Durrani


Afghanistan (Durrani Empire): The founder and first ruler of the Afghan Empire in the 18th century, who successfully unified the Afghan tribes and created a powerful empire in the region.

Bolesław I Chrobry


Poland: The first official king and general of Poland in the 10th century, who successfully unified the Polish tribes and expanded the kingdom.

 Raja Ali Haji


Brunei: A famous Bruneian poet, historian and warlord in the 19th century who played a significant role in the history and culture of Brunei.

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