

A Star Wars story: The Eternal Dawn

2024. június 23. - Madnezz

Main characters

  • Lira Solari: A young female Jedi who lives on a distant planet and has special abilities through the Force. He is the last living descendant of Luke Skywalker's bloodline.






  • Kaden Taro: A talented pilot and adventurer who grew up among merchants and pirates living in the ruins of the Empire. Lira's ally and friend.




  • Zara Vex: A leader of the new Sith Order searching for an ancient Sith relic that could change the future of the galaxy.




  • Drokk: An intelligent and independent droid who guards the secrets of ancient technology and helps Lira on her mission.






Additional Characters

  • Ryna Vos: A charismatic political leader who works to unify the fringe planetary states. Ryna can be a strong ally for Lira and Kaden as she is also a dedicated believer in peace and stability. An excellent diplomat and strategist.







  • Talos Krieg: A former Sith apprentice who defected and now works to maintain the balance of the Force. Talos has a close relationship with Zara Vex and knows its weak points, which can be useful in the fight against Lira.





  • Elara Kells: A brilliant engineer and inventor who develops the most advanced technologies in the galaxy. Elara helps Lira and Kaden with special tools and vehicles necessary for their mission.



elara_kells3_2.jpgOris Fenn: An experienced pirate captain who first appears as an enemy but later becomes an ally after Lira and Kaden save his life. Oris knows the dangerous and unknown parts of the galaxy's fringes.



Drakto: A huge, winged predatory creature that lives on a dense jungle planet. Drakto is considered an ancient, sacred animal, revered as one of the guardians of the Force. Lira develops a special relationship with him that helps her in her mission.





Lumina: A small, bioluminescent creature that emits light and has healing properties. Lumina often accompanies Lira, and her reassuring presence is a great help in dark times.





Grix: An intelligent, cat-like creature that can communicate using the Force. Grix is ​​one of the guardians of the ancient Jedi Temple and helps Lira uncover ancient secrets.




Tarak: A huge, armored reptile that Kaden tames and uses as a pet. Tarak is strong and fast, making him an excellent companion during dangerous missions.


Velix: A multi-armed, octopus-like creature that inhabits deep-sea planets. Velix can sense vibrations of the Force and predict danger, providing valuable information to Lira and her companions.


Stellar Hawk

Description: The Stellar Hawk is a fast, compact spaceship used by Kaden Taro. It has excellent maneuverability and powerful armament, making it ideal for pirate missions and escapes.

Features: Hyperdrive, laser cannons, ion cannons, and shield system. Includes a hidden compartment for contraband and a special dock for Drokk.

Importance: This ship is Kaden's personal vehicle that plays an important role in many of his adventures.



Aquila Starcruiser

Description: The Aquila Starcruiser is a larger, more powerful starship that Lira and Kaden use for longer journeys. Aquila is equipped with state-of-the-art technology developed by Elara Kells.

Features: Advanced hyperdrive, shield systems, tactical holographic displays, and special weaponry including plasma cannons and gravity bombs.

Importance: Aquila serves as the team's base where they can plan and coordinate their missions.


Rogue Speeder

Description: The Rogue Speeder is a light, fast ground vehicle used by Lira and Kaden to quickly travel around land planets. Great for chases and quick escapes.

Features: High speed, acceleration and excellent maneuverability. Laser cannons and energy shield.

Importance: Indispensable during planetary surface missions, especially when moving quickly or through hostile areas.


Shadow Claw Stealth Fighter

Description: The Shadow Claw is a secret stealth fighter used by Zara Vex. This vehicle is great for sneak attacks and covert missions.

Features: Stealth technology that makes it invisible to radar, advanced weapon systems, and ion engines for silent operation.

Importance: Zara uses this fighter to follow and attack Lira and her friends when she pounces on them in the most unexpected situations.


Nebula Freighter

Description: The Nebula Freighter is a larger freighter used by the pirate captain Oris Fenn. Although designed mainly for cargo transport, it has strong armor and armament.

Features: Huge cargo space, strong shield systems, and a special cloaking system for smuggling. Heavy weaponry for pirate missions.

Importance: This ship is crucial for transporting contraband and special equipment, and helps Oris support Lira and Kaden's mission.





First act The galaxy has been completely transformed 500 years after "A New Hope". The New Republic has long been defunct, replaced by a loose alliance made up of various planetary states. Both sides of the Force (Jedi and Sith) have faded as almost all knowledge and traditions have been lost or destroyed over the past centuries. Lira Solari, a young female Jedi, lives on a distant, unknown planet and has a special relationship with the Force. One day, he dreams of an ancient Jedi temple that holds an ancient secret that could save or destroy the galaxy. He sets out to find the temple and uncover the secret.

Second Act Along the way, Lira meets Kaden Taro, a talented pilot and adventurer who helps her on her mission. Kaden is running from the shadows of his past and living on the edge of the galaxy, but is touched by Lira's dedication to her cause. Together they embark on an adventurous journey where they meet old and new enemies as well as friends. Meanwhile, the new Sith Order is also activated. Zara Vex, one of the leaders of the new Sith Order, learns that Lira is searching for the ancient Jedi Temple. However, Zara's goal is not only to stop Lira, but to obtain the ancient Sith relic, which hides the hitherto unknown power of the dark side of the Force.

Act Three At the end of the journey, Lira and Kaden reach the ancient Jedi Temple where they are confronted by Zara Vex. Lira discovers that the secret of the temple is not a physical object, but the key to the balance of the Force. In the final showdown, Lira and Zara go head-to-head, and Lira manages to defeat Zara, but not permanently, finding a reconciliation between the two sides of the Force. At the end of the story, Lira and Kaden find a new path in the galaxy, giving hope for a new era where the Force can be balanced again. Drokk, the intelligent droid, continues to help them, guarding the secrets of ancient technology and knowledge.

Epilogue A new era begins in the galaxy, where the Jedi and Sith traditions are reborn, but no longer as enemies, but as complements to each other. And Lira and Kaden's story becomes a legend, inspiring generations to come to discover the secrets of the Force and keep the peace in the galaxy.

Detailed closure

Story Completion: Battle of the Balance
Key events
Preparation for the Last Battle

Lira and Kaden obtain secrets from an ancient Jedi temple that lead to an ultimate weapon capable of uniting the dark and light sides of the Force.
They are supported by Ryna Vos and Elara Kells, while Oris Fenn's pirate fleet provides the necessary military force and vehicles for the final showdown.
Zara Vex and Talos Krieg recruit more and more followers and acquire an ancient Sith relic that has immense destructive power.

The Beginning of the Final Clash

The battle takes place around Koros Prime, where the leaders of the galactic alliance gather to face Zara Vex and Talos Krieg's army.
Lira and Kaden set off aboard the Aquila Starcruiser to get to the heart of the battle.
Various factions of the galaxy also join the fray, joining forces against a common enemy.

The Final Duel

Lira and Kaden find themselves facing off against Zara Vex and Talos Krieg in the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple where the Force is especially strong.
During the duel, Zara and Talos surrender completely to the dark side, while Lira and Kaden seek a balance between the two sides of the Force.
Lira and Kaden discover that they can only win if they use both sides of the Force together.

Act of Unification

Together, Lira and Kaden create a combined Force Wave that neutralizes Zara and Talos' attacks.
Kaden uses the power of the dark side to take control of the Sith relic, while Lira uses the power of the light side to protect him and attack the enemy.
With their combined power, they manage to defeat Zara Vex and Talos Krieg, who eventually perish due to the imbalance of the Force.

Rebuilding the Galaxy

After the battle, under the leadership of Lira and Kaden, the reconstruction of the galaxy begins. The new galactic alliance rests on the principle of the balance of the Force, respecting the teachings of both the light and dark sides.
Ryna Vos and Elara Kells continue to support them and help maintain peace and stability.
Lira and Kaden continue to work together to maintain balance and protect the galaxy from future threats.

The Last Scene

In the final scene of the film, Lira and Kaden are standing on a distant, peaceful planet, watching the sunset together. They know that even though the fight is over, maintaining balance remains an eternal challenge.
The camera slowly pulls back, revealing the glittering stars of the galaxy and the bright future of a new hope.

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